Should you date that guy?

Should you date that guy? Is he the right sort of guy for you? Are you ready to date anyone? Are you looking at this objectively and sensibly? I get a lot of people come to me for help because they started to date a guy they did not know,Should you date that guy? Articles someone who they only knew very briefly and vaguely, some of them should have waited until they got over their ex or their own inner problems (a lot of insecure and needy women look to date for all the wrong reasons and then drive their guy away with their nagging about how he must prove he loves them and cares about them and forever remind them he loves them) and you also have people who are whole and sorted but who choose a potential partner in all the wrong way. By their looks or because they are single without looking at the other things that matter a lot.

Before deciding yes or no when asking yourself should I μ˜€ν”Όμˆœμœ„ date that guy? Firstly lets look at the bit about are you whole. If you have recently got over a break up are you truly over it? If it has just happened have you even started to heal and understand and get to where you need to be to start again? If you are lonely and needing someone to make you less bored or lonely or to give you a boost of confidence this is not the way to go, it can not only waste your time and theirs but cause emotional problems.

When asking yourself should I date that guy you may need to speak to